We ALL miss the peanut butter buckeyes! Hang in there for just a minute longer … we’re working on the reorder right now. We will certainly bring the Homestyle Fudge back for the holidays, but not just yet. For those of you who want Fudge year-round, get your orders in before we close on Monday, March 11 and we’ll get some just for you.
We are reordering some of your favorites. Remember the Barrels of Cheddar Balls? Mmmmm. AND we’re going to give you some new items to try. Do you like Pickled Watermelon Rinds? AND we’ve found some of what you’ve been asking for. I can hardly wait for you to try the Jerky Seasoning and Rib Rub! (Actually, I can hardly wait for you to try it AND bring us some samples!)
It’s going to be a GREAT SUMMER @ JONES